
Krobot has a powerful and simple configuration engine. The config manager is a singleton, the ConfigProvider. To use it, Guice can inject it anywhere :

private ConfigProvider configs;

First, you need to register the configurations to use. The configurations are named, but if you don't provide a name it will use the file name (without the extension).

public void init()
    configs.from("configs/myconfig.json"); // Same as configs.json("configs/myconfig.json");
    Config config = configs.from("configs/myotherconfig.json"); // If you want to use the object directly
    configs.from("configs/coolconfig.json", "cool_config"); // To name the config manually

configs.from registers a JSON config (same as configs.json). It returns the created Config object, but you shouldn't have to use it.

You can also use to register a Java properties config (object serialization will not be possible).

File objects can be provided instead of the path.

Now, you can query the values from the configs :

String value = configs.get("myconfig").get("myvalue");

This will get the value of the field "myvalue" in the config "myconfig". But, you can also use object serialization (if it is a JSON config) :

String[] values = configs.get("myconfig").get("myvalues", String[].class);
MyObject value = configs.get("myconfig").get("myobject", MyObject.class);

If you want, you can directly access values of an object, using at :

    "myobject": {
        "myvalue": "test"
String value = configs.get("myconfig").at("myobject.myvalue");

It also supports the object serialization :

String[] values = configs.get("myconfig").at("myobject.myvalues", String[].class);

You can even use at directly on the ConfigProvider like this :

String value ="myconfig.myvalue"); // Same as configs.get("myconfig").get("myvalue");

And even do it more deeply :

String value ="myconfig.myobject.myvalue"); // Same as configs.get("myconfig").at("myobject.myvalue");

And even use object serialization :

MyObject value ="myconfig.myobject", MyObject.class);

See, there is a lot of possibilities with the config engine.

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    No results matching ""